Saturday, February 7, 2009

Daily Tips and Tricks Special Delivery

Tips and Tricks Special Delivery
Making tomorrow more productive than today
For Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007
Select a Slide Layout
Whenever you insert a new slide, you can select from a variety of slide layouts. Slide layouts are designed to make it easy for you to precisely place text, graphics, diagrams, and other items on your slides.
1. On either the Home tab or the Insert tab, click the Add Slide icon. (Note: You will need to click the lower half of the icon to choose the type of slide that you want to insert.)
2. Select a layout option from the Add Slide gallery.
3. On your new slide, click a placeholder to add text or slide content.

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 also makes it easy to create and use your own custom slide layouts. If you need unique layouts that aren't part of the standard slide layouts in the Add Slide gallery, search for "Add a Layout" by using Office Help (press the F1 key to get to Office Help at any time).

For Microsoft Office Outlook 2007
Set Aside Time to Work on Tasks Contained in E-Mail
You can book a slot on your calendar to complete a specific e-mail task. Go to your Inbox, click an e-mail message, and then drag it to your chosen day on the To-Do Bar calendar. This immediately creates a reminder to handle the task on that day. It's then up to you to choose the scheduled time, but drag-and-drop task scheduling makes time management easy.

Microsoft Office Outlook 2007

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Microsoft Office Online

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