Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Windows Logo Program Newsletter for July 7, 2009

The Windows Logo Program Newsletter provides up to date information about the Windows Logo Program. Did you get this newsletter from a friend? Subscribe to the Windows Logo Program Newsletter.

top story  

Effective July 9, 2009, All Submissions Must Use WLK 1.4

The Windows Logo Program would like to remind our partners that starting July 9, 2009, submissions to the Windows Quality Online Services (Winqual) Web site must use Windows Logo Kit (WLK) 1.4. Beginning July 9, 2009, partners will no longer be able to use WLK 1.2 or WLK 1.3. You can download WLK 1.4 from Microsoft Connect (https://connect.microsoft.com/site/sitehome.aspx?SiteID=668).

events and other news  

Office Hours Event Scheduled for July 23, 2009

The Windows Logo Program team is pleased to announce our next Office Hours event.

Office Hours is a live interactive session featuring members of the Windows Logo Program team and other experts at Microsoft. Attendees can see and hear the team answering their questions and discussing hot topics.

The next Office Hours is Thursday, July 23, 2009, at 18:30 Pacific Daylight Time (July 24, 2009, 01:30 Universal Time). As always, we are happy to answer any questions you might have about the Windows Logo Program for hardware. We will bring in experts in the areas of both system fundamentals and the Driver Test Manager, so please bring your questions in those areas.

For information on how to participate in the next live event, see the Windows Logo Program Office Hours page (http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/winlogo/office_hrs.mspx). Submit your questions prior to the event to logofb@microsoft.com (mailto:logofb@microsoft.com). Please put "Office Hours Question" in the subject line.

Announcing New Logo Program Webcast Sessions

The Windows Logo Program team is continuing its series of Web-based presentations on key aspects of the Windows Logo Program for hardware. We are pleased to announce the availability of several new sessions:

. Developing Windows 7 Device Stage Experiences
. Device Fundamentals Tests
. Windows Logo Program Debugger Tool

We are also creating a series of brief demonstration-focused videos. These videos explain and illustrate how to perform specific tasks related to logo program testing and qualification. The first three videos in this series are available:

. Driver Test Manager Client Installation
. Driver Test Manager Log Viewer Tool
. Driver Test Manager Studio Installation

If you missed the recent LogoFest events, or want to explore the topics from those events in more detail, then this is a great opportunity to get that information.

All sessions are available right now on the Windows Hardware Developer Central (WHDC) Web site (http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/winlogo/logocast.mspx).

program support  

Windows Logo Kit 1.4 QFE 002 Is Now Available on Connect

QFE 002 for Windows Logo Kit (WLK) 1.4 is now available for download on the WLK Connect site (https://connect.microsoft.com/site/sitehome.aspx?SiteID=668). This QFE is required for all Device categories for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

This QFE fixes the following device fundamentals tests:

. Plug & Play Driver Test - QFE 002 fixes the following two issues:
--Problem where the test was running against boot devices and/or children of boot devices, which was incorrectly disabling those devices.
--Problem of false failures caused by a veto of an IRP by a child device.
. Device Install Check for Other Device Stability Test - QFE 002 fixes the following two issues:
--"Interop" failures, caused by a failure to load an assembly.
--"Strongname validation" failure. A workaround for this failure had been published previously. This QFE incorporates that workaround and automates it from the DTM Controller.
. Reinstall with IO Test - This QFE addresses the issue with collecting the setupapi logs. In certain cases, the test was failing early in a loop due to a secondary issue, resulting in failure to return the logs. This has now been addressed.


. This QFE is for use with WLK 1.4 RTM (version 1.4.7100.000).
. Before applying the QFE, close all active DTM Studio sessions. Applying this QFE might affect any submissions in progress. Please complete any submissions before applying this QFE.
. After installing this QFE, you will need to regenerate any affected submission that was created before the QFE was installed.

Windows Logo Kit 1.4 QFE 010 Is Now Available on Connect

QFE 010 for Windows Logo Kit (WLK) 1.4 is now available for download on the WLK Connect site (https://connect.microsoft.com/site/sitehome.aspx?SiteID=668). This QFE is required for the Windows 7 Logo Program for the Input > Digitizer Windows Touch device category.

This QFE resolves the issues with the Windows Touch Logo Test (Manual) where the placement of the lines and boxes in the test on smaller form factors (such as small screen sizes) can lead to false failures. In some cases, the user might be unable to complete the testing properly because the lines either are drawn too close together or are drawn off the screen. This fix adjusts the line and box placements for better scaling with smaller form factor designs, enabling the test to perform as expected.


. This QFE is for use with WLK 1.4 RTM (version 1.4.7100.00).
. Before applying the QFE, close all active DTM Studio sessions. Applying this QFE might affect any submissions in progress. Please complete any submissions before applying this QFE.
. After installing this QFE, you will need to regenerate any affected submission that was created before the QFE was installed.

Windows Logo Kit 1.4 QFE 011 Is Now Available on Connect

QFE 011 for Windows Logo Kit (WLK) 1.4 is now available for download on the WLK Connect site (https://connect.microsoft.com/site/sitehome.aspx?SiteID=668). This QFE is required for all System categories for all operating systems. This QFE includes all fixes previously published in QFE 004.

This QFE resolves issues with the "Signed Driver Check" test in the systems kit. The two fixes included in this QFE are:

. Fix to avoid the test crashes in certain specific scenarios. The test will now finish and log in all cases.
. Fix for incorrect failure of this test for drivers that have no associated hardware device IDs. This QFE also includes the fix for logolevel for Windows 7 qualifications that was previously released through QFE 004.


. Uninstall QFE 004 before installing QFE 011.
. Before applying the QFE, close all active DTM Studio sessions. Applying this QFE might affect any submissions in progress. Please complete any submissions before applying this QFE.
. After installing this QFE, you will need to regenerate any affected submission that was created before the QFE was installed.

Windows Logo Kit 1.4 QFE 013 Is Now Available on Connect

QFE 013 for Windows Logo Kit (WLK) 1.4 is now available for download on the WLK Connect site (https://connect.microsoft.com/site/sitehome.aspx?SiteID=668). This QFE is required for all submissions for the Streaming Media and Broadcast Devices > Broadcast Receiver Proprietary device category.

This QFE fixes an issue that was causing an immediate failure with an error message stating that your tuner filter could not be located, even when a valid filter was provided. With this QFE, your tuner filter will be located accurately, thereby preventing that failure.


. Any submissions within this device category will continue to require a manual review before approval.
. Before applying the QFE, close all active DTM Studio sessions. Applying this QFE might affect any submissions in progress. Please complete any submissions before applying this QFE.
. After installing this QFE, you will need to regenerate any affected submissions that were started before installing this QFE.

Updated Requirements for Windows Logo Program for Hardware

The following requirements for the Windows Logo Program for hardware have been updated. You can view these requirements in LogoPoint on the Windows Quality Online Servies (Winqual) Web site (https://winqual.microsoft.com/):

. SYSFUND-0046 - Clarified wording and title
. SYSFUND-0223 - New requirement for XP Mode

Winqual Help Is Now Available in Traditional Chinese

A Traditional Chinese version of Winqual Help is now available in XPS and PDF formats. You can download these documents from the Windows Quality Online Services (Winqual) Web site:

. XPS document: https://winqual.microsoft.com/Help/winqual_help_TC.xps
. PDF document: https://winqual.microsoft.com/Help/winqual_help_TC.pdf

Logo Program Categories Retiring in June 2010

The Tape Drive, Medium Changer, and Serial Port Adapters logo program categories are retiring in June 2010. Effective June 1, 2010, no logo will be available for these devices. Devices that currently use these logo program categories will have to use the Unclassified category to obtain a driver signature beginning June 1, 2010.

Logo Testing News

Edition for

July 7, 2009

In This Issue:
Effective July 9, 2009, All Submissions Must Use WLK 1.4
Office Hours Event Scheduled for July 23, 2009
Announcing New Logo Program Webcast Sessions
Windows Logo Kit 1.4 QFE 002 Is Now Available on Connect
Windows Logo Kit 1.4 QFE 010 Is Now Available on Connect
Windows Logo Kit 1.4 QFE 011 Is Now Available on Connect
Windows Logo Kit 1.4 QFE 013 Is Now Available on Connect
Updated Requirements for Windows Logo Program for Hardware
Winqual Help Is Now Available in Traditional Chinese
Logo Program Categories Retiring in June 2010
Windows Logo Program References
Windows Logo Program Newsletter Archives
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