Monday, May 18, 2009

Daily Tips and Tricks Special Delivery

Tips and Tricks Special Delivery
Making tomorrow more productive than today
For Windows Vista
Windows Vista
Collaborate with Windows Meeting Space
Do you need to connect with a colleague to share ad hoc, real-time work? By using Windows Meeting Space, you can share handouts and work together on applications. You can join or start a meeting where everyone participates or just watches, and it can be done immediately as long as you are all on the same network.

Here's how to get started:
1. Click Start.
2. Click All Programs.
3. Click Windows Meeting Space. Notice that passwords are required, to offer a degree of security.

For Microsoft Office Excel 2007
Change Your Default Chart Type
To quickly create a chart on its own sheet in a Microsoft Office Excel workbook, select the chart data, and then press the F11 key. This action generates a chart using your default chart type, which is originally set to be a clustered column chart.

To change your default chart type, on the Insert tab, in the lower-right corner of the Charts section, click the dialog box launch icon to open the Insert Chart dialog box. Select your preferred chart type, and then click Set as Default Chart. You can then click Cancel to close the dialog box without generating a chart. Though nothing appears to have changed, the next time you generate a chart by using the F11 key, you'll automatically get your new default chart type.

Note: Keep in mind that after you've created a chart, you can still change the chart type. To change chart type for just the active chart, on the Chart Tools Design tab, in the Type section, click Change Chart Type.

Microsoft Office Excel 2007

Quick Links
Tips and Tricks Web site
Microsoft Office Online
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