Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Windows Logo Program Newsletter for March 3, 2009

The Windows Logo Program Newsletter provides up to date information about the Windows Logo Program. Did you get this newsletter from a friend? Subscribe to the Windows Logo Program Newsletter.

Top Story  

Windows Logo Kit 1.3 QFE 004 Is Now Available on Connect

QFE 004 to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK) version 1.3 is now available for download at the WLK Connect site (https://connect.microsoft.com/site/sitehome.aspx?SiteID=668). This QFE updates the Unclassified test category by removing unnecessary tests for the Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 operating systems.

Currently, some unnecessary tests in the Unclassified category are exposed for operating systems prior to Windows 7. For example, the "Reinstall with IO" test should apply only to Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7, but was wrongly applied to Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 also. Similarly, the "PNPDTest with concurrent IO in parallel with DevPathExer" test is valid for Windows 7 only, but was exposed in WLK 1.3 for earlier operating systems. QFE 004 addresses these problems and exposes Unclassified tests properly for all operating systems.

You must install this QFE before you start testing the Unclassified category, because the QFE changes wizard pages.

Important: Beginning March 15, 2009, this QFE will be mandatory for all Unclassified device submissions using WLK 1.3, for all operating systems earlier than Windows 7.

If you have already started testing for the Unclassified category with WLK 1.3, you can complete your testing without the QFE and make your submissions until March 15, 2009. In this case, you must include the Errata ID number 1184 in the Readme.doc file packaged with your submission, to refer to this issue. This erratum will allow waiver of failures for the wrongly exposed tests. There is no need to open a support case for this issue.

This QFE is for use with WLK 1.3 RTM (version 1.3.7000.xx).

Windows Logo Kit 1.3 QFE 002 Is Now Available on Connect

QFE 002 to WLK 1.3 is now available for download at the WLK Connect site (https://connect.microsoft.com/site/sitehome.aspx?SiteID=668).

This QFE fixes the following problems with several device fundamental tests common to many test categories:

. "Reinstall with IO" test. The QFE fixes multiple problems with this test, such as hangs, false failures, false passes, and so on. After the QFE is applied, the test will run properly on Windows 7 and Windows Vista and will report the correct test results.
. "PNPDTest with concurrent IO in parallel with DevPathExer" test. The QFE fixes multiple issues with this test, which is applicable for Windows 7 only.
. "Device Path Exerciser" test. The QFE fixes problems with this test involving null drivers.

After installing this QFE, partners can preview the new tests properly (as it addresses the hangs and the wrong test results). Although this QFE is not mandatory, it is strongly recommended for testing for all device submissions on all operating systems using WLK 1.3 RTM (version 1.3.7000.xx).

QFE 002 is not required for Systems Logo submissions.

Events and Other News  

LogoFest Events - Registration Now Available for Taipei Event

The Windows Logo Program hosts LogoFest events to assist hardware partners who are preparing products for the Windows Hardware Logo Program. These events provide hands-on test environment setup assistance, troubleshooting support, and training presentations that are designed to streamline the process of qualifying products for a Windows Hardware Logo submission.

The upcoming LogoFest event in Taipei, Taiwan, has just opened for registration. Register before March 20, 2009, to receive two free Windows 7 logo submissions. To register or get more information about any of the upcoming Windows 7 LogoFest events, see the WHDC Logo Events and Training Web site.

New LogoFest Event Announced for Beijing, China

The Windows Logo Program is pleased to announce another LogoFest event that is scheduled for Beijing, China, May 18-21, 2009. Please watch this newsletter for more information coming soon.

program support  

Updated System Form Factors

The ultra low cost PC (ULCPC) form factor is now merged with the ultra-mobile PC (UMPC) form factor for Windows 7. There is no difference in requirements for ULCPC and UMPC form factors. The ULCPC form factor will remain the same for Windows XP.

We would also like to remind our partners that the ultra-portable PC (UPPC) form factor is merged with the mobile PC form factor. Policy-0025, which was created in February 2008 to reflect this change, was retired on February 28, 2009.

Windows Logo Program Requirement Updates

The Windows Logo Program would like to inform partners of the following requirement updates. You can find complete details on LogoPoint:

. SYSFUND-0200: Embedded devices in a system must report the removable/non-removable capability appropriately. This requirement has updated design notes with implementation and testing details.
. SYSFUND-0046: System ships with display adapter or chipset with the Aero theme enabled by default. This requirement has a corrected enforcement date for Windows 7.

Windows Error Reporting Focuses on Current Crash Reports

On March 2nd, 2009 WER Hardware moved to align with the Help and Support Lifecycle. To accomplish this, Microsoft trimmed the amount of kernel-mode crash reports it collects for previous operating system releases. However, Microsoft will continue to collect and process enough CABs for reports on all versions of Windows to be statistically valid until they are no longer supported.

Microsoft started trimming the incoming crash reports for the following versions of Windows on March 2nd, 2009:

. Microsoft Windows XP (all versions)
. Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (all versions)
. Microsoft Windows Vista RTM (all versions)
. Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 (all versions)

We will continue to process all reports for the following versions:
. Microsoft Windows 7 (all versions)
. Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (all versions)
. Microsoft Windows Vista SP2 (all versions)

DTM Errata Filters

Expired Errata Have Been Removed from the DTM Errata Filter Page

We have removed all expired errata from the DTM errata filter page on the Winqual Web site, so searches for currently active errata should now be easier and faster. To find any expired errata, use the Sort menu on the DTM errata filter page.

New ID System for Errata

Currently, each published erratum has two different IDs: the Errata Filter ID that is published to partners and the DTM Errata ID that is used for internal tracking. This has caused some confusion, so beginning with the March update of the Winqual Web site, the DTM Errata ID will be used for both external and internal purposes. All filter IDs that are currently published on the Winqual Web site will be converted to DTM Errata IDs.

Partners who use any existing filters must consult the Winqual Web site after March 12, 2009, to find the new IDs for the existing and future errata, and must use the new IDs in correspondence with Microsoft.

WLK 1.3 TCG TPM Integration Test Announcements

This information applies to platforms that include a Trusted Platform Module (TPM). The following important issues have been identified regarding the recently updated TCG TPM Integrate Test:

. Some platforms do not automatically wake from sleep or hibernation. During the TPMSysInt task, the platform is put to sleep and into hibernation. Not all platforms wake as instructed and the test operator should manually wake or turn on the platform during the test as described in the updated test documentation. Manual interaction to wake the platform from sleep or hibernation does not affect the test results.
. Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 platforms fail TPMSysInt task sections PwrUnsealWithWrapKeyAndPCRsS3 or PwrUnsealWithWrapKeyAndPCRsS4. These two test sections were implemented incorrectly on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 platforms. Errata will be published soon instructing Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 platforms to ignore the test results. The tests are correct for Windows 7, so OEMs should investigate failures on Windows 7 platforms.
. Quote2Basic failures. A new section of the TPMSysInt task exercises the Quote2 TPM command. This command is not used by Windows Vista or Windows 7, but might be used in a future operating system feature. Microsoft wants OEMs to know whether their platforms have an issue and to work towards resolving the problem over time. This erratum is applicable for all operating system versions and will be published for Windows 7 platforms when the tooling is available. It is set to expire on June 1, 2010; if your company would like additional time to address the issue, please contact Microsoft.
. ReadPubEK failures. A new section of the TPMSysInt task checks preconditions for TPM state at the start of the test. It incorrectly checks the state of ReadPubEK. The initial value for ReadPubEK at the start of the test is not defined in specifications or in the test setup instructions. An erratum has been published for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 to ignore the initial value of ReadPubEK. The same erratum will be published for Windows 7 platforms when tooling is available.

New and Updated Tests for Windows Driver Foundation Drivers

As part of the device fundamentals, we are introducing new and updated tests that validate the reliability and compliance of Windows Driver Foundation (WDF) drivers. These tests will apply to all categories of devices that can use WDF drivers, for example Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) devices, input devices, input filter devices, Universal Serial Bus (USB) devices, Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) devices, Windows Portable Devices (WPDs), and Sideshow devices.

The key WDF tests that are being introduced are:

. WDF Logo test for KMDF drivers
. Verify WDF co-installer version
. Updated "Run INFTest against a single INF" test

WDF Logo Test for KMDF Drivers

This test will validate a driver developed using the Kernel-Mode Driver Framework (KMDF) with respect to DEVFUND-0037 and DEVFUND-0038 requirements. It ensures that the KMDF driver is architected to maximize reliability and stability without "leaking" resources, and that the driver is designed to handle device driver interface (DDI) failures gracefully.

This test is available in Windows Logo Kit (WLK) 1.3 as a Preview test. At this time, this test will not automatically appear in the test list for any device logo program, but interested partners can execute this test from the Job Explorer under the Device Fundamentals path.

Note: Effective with WLK 1.4, all WDF drivers must pass this test.

All partners who develop WDF drivers are strongly encouraged to use this test from Job Explorer in WLK 1.3 to test their drivers. Detailed information on this test is available in WLK 1.3 release notes and WLK 1.3 Help documentation.

Verify WDF Co-Installer Version

This test will confirm whether drivers are packaged to contain the RTM fre versions of WDF redistributables, in compliance with the DEVFUND-0039 requirement.

Note: At Windows 7 RC, this test will block WDF drivers that are packaged with WDF 1.9 RC redistributable bits, when tested on Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008. At Windows 7 RTM, this test will pass those drivers on those operating systems.

When tested on Windows 7 or Windows 7 R2 operating systems, WDF drivers will pass this test regardless of the redistributable bits that are packaged.

This test will be introduced in WLK 1.4.

Update to the "Run INFTest against a single INF" Test

We are updating the existing "Run INFTest against a single INF" test to check for compliance with the DEVFUND-0040 requirement. The updated test will check whether WDF driver INF files are properly structured.

The updated "Run INFTest against a single INF" Test will be available in WLK 1.4.

Note: With the release of WLK 1.4, all WDF drivers must pass this test.


All the above tools take advantage of commonly available Windows Driver Kit (WDK) tools, such as ChkInf, WdfTester (for testing DDI fault injection), AppVerifier, WDF verification, and driver verification. For more information on these tools please refer to the following:

. ChkInf: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms792443.aspx
. WdfTester: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc264231.aspx
. AppVerifier: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa480483.aspx
. WDF verification: http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/driver/tips/KMDFVerifier.mspx

Reminder: Winqual Down for Maintenance on March 12, 2009

The Windows Quality Online Services (Winqual) Web site (https://winqual.microsoft.com) will be unavailable due to regularly scheduled maintenance from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time on Thursday, March 12, 2009. Please note that the Winqual Web site is unavailable during the second Thursday of each month. Please contact the Winqual Team with any questions or feedback. Thank you.

Logo Testing News

Edition for

March 3, 2009

In This Issue:
Windows Logo Kit 1.3 QFE 004 Is Now Available on Connect
Windows Logo Kit 1.3 QFE 002 Is Now Available on Connect
LogoFest Events - Registration Now Available for Taipei Event
New LogoFest Event Announced for Beijing, China
Updated System Form Factors
Windows Logo Program Requirement Updates
Windows Error Reporting Focuses on Current Crash Reports
DTM Errata Filters
WLK 1.3 TCG TPM Integration Test Announcements
New and Updated Tests for Windows Driver Foundation Drivers
Reminder: Winqual Down for Maintenance on March 12, 2009
Windows Logo Program References
Windows Logo Program Newsletter Archives
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