Friday, November 21, 2008

Daily Tips and Tricks Special Delivery

Tips and Tricks Special Delivery
Making tomorrow more productive than today
For Microsoft Office Excel 2007
Microsoft Office Excel 2007
Apply Multiple Conditional Formats to the Same Cell(s)
To apply more than one conditional formatting rule to the same cells, select the cells, and then apply each new rule that you need. However, to prioritize the rules for the exact result you want, use the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager. To do this, on the Home tab, in the Styles section, click Conditional Formatting, and then click Manage Rules. In the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog box, you can use the Move Up and Move Down arrows to reorder rules, which determines what formatting appears in front. You can also select the Stop If True option to stop executing further rules in cells for which the selected condition is true.

For Microsoft Office Live Meeting
Upload Files in Advance
When you're using Microsoft Office Live Meeting to host a meeting, you can upload the documents that you want to cover in the meeting to a Microsoft SharePoint site in advance, and then tell everyone invited where those documents are. That way, anyone who can't attend the meeting because of other commitments or network problems can still see the documents. Upload the documents as soon as they're ready: Put them on a SharePoint workspace that everyone can access. A day (24 hours) before the meeting, send e-mail to all the invitees with a link to the files. Even those who can't attend will then have the benefit of seeing the meeting documents.

Microsoft Office Live Meeting

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