Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Daily Tips and Tricks Special Delivery

Tips and Tricks Special Delivery
Making tomorrow more productive than today
For Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007
Fine-Tuning Objects in Presentations
When working with text in Microsoft Office PowerPoint, you can use the F2 key to switch between selecting text in a placeholder and selecting the placeholder itself. So the next time you've edited some text and want to reposition it on the slide, instead of clicking the tiny edges of the box, just press F2. The entire text box will instantly be selected for you, ready for alignment.

Side by Side
2003 to 2007 Mark as Final
To make a Microsoft Office Word 2003 document read-only, you need to close the file, right-click it in Windows Explorer, click Properties, and then select the Read-only check box. If it's a Microsoft Office Word 2007 document, you can save yourself the trouble and change the document to read-only from within the program.
1. Click the Office button, and then point to Prepare.
2. Click Mark as Final. Not only is the document now read-only, but the editing commands on the Ribbon are unavailable. To enable editing again, follow the same steps to turn the Mark as Final feature off.

2003 vs. 2007 Side by Side

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