| | Windows 7 migration made simpler, more secure with our newest beta releases |
| | Now available: P2V Migration for Software Assurance Beta. P2V Migration for Software Assurance adds to the functionality of the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) and uses Sysinternals Disk2VHD to automate the physical-to-virtual conversion of an existing desktop, and then returns that environment to the user in Windows 7. |
| | Address IT GRC requirements with new System Center solutions. The Microsoft IT GRC Process Management Pack for System Center Service Manager and the IT Compliance Management Series are IT governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) solutions that integrate with the System Center platform. Implementing these end-to-end IT GRC solutions with System Center enable organizations to meet their compliance and regulatory commitments in an efficient and reliable manner. To learn more, visit the System Center website. |
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