Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Windows Logo Program Newsletter for June 16, 2009

The Windows Logo Program Newsletter provides up to date information about the Windows Logo Program. Did you get this newsletter from a friend? Subscribe to the Windows Logo Program Newsletter.

top story  

Logo Program Requirement Reports Are Available on the Winqual Home Page

We are pleased to announce that prepared requirement reports are available on the Winqual home page without logon. See the Requirement Report link in the "Helpful links" section of the Winqual home page (https://winqual.microsoft.com/).

events and other news  

Extending Early Bird Registration Special for Redmond LogoFest, July 27-31, 2009

The Windows Logo Program team is pleased to announce that we have been able to extend the early bird registration special for the Redmond LogoFest in July until June 26, 2009. The early bird special reduces the cost of attending from US$1,600 to US$1,000 for up to four people in a private room, and from US$800 to US$500 for up to two people sharing a room.

The format for this LogoFest event will be similar to those held in the past, with a mix of formal presentations, lots of testing time, and plenty of resources and technical experts to answer questions. However we have added some new activities to this event, including:

. An optional LogoFest Preparation Workshop. This will be held on July 27 from 09:30 to 12:00 and will provide training for those who may be new to the logo process.
. Early set-up. The event will now include an opportunity for registrants to set up equipment and initiate testing on July 27 from 12:00 to 18:00.
. Presentation sessions for: Windows Server 2008 R2; Networked Media and Portable Devices; and Windows Media Center.

For more information and to register for this event, please visit the Logo Events and Training Web page on the Windows Hardware Developer Central (WHDC) Web site (http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/winlogo/LogoEvents.mspx).

Announcing New LogoCast Sessions Available on WHDC

The Windows Logo Program team recently introduced LogoCast, a series of Web-based presentations on key aspects of the Windows Logo Program for hardware. We are pleased to announce the availability of several new LogoCast sessions on key aspects of the Windows 7 Logo Program:

. What's New in WLK 1.4
. System Fundamentals Testing
. Device Experiences in Windows 7

These on-demand sessions cover the primary topics recently discussed at the Redmond, Taipei, and Beijing LogoFest events. If you missed these events, this is a great opportunity to get some of the latest Windows 7 logo information.

All LogoCast sessions are available right now on the Windows Hardware Developer Central (WHDC) Web site (http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/winlogo/logocast.mspx).

Office Hours Event Scheduled for June

The Windows Logo Program team is pleased to announce a second Office Hours event.

Office Hours is a live interactive session featuring members of the Windows Logo Program team and other experts at Microsoft. Attendees can see and hear the team answering their questions and discussing hot topics.

The next Office Hours is Thursday, June 25, 2009, at 10:00 Pacific Daylight Time (17:00 Universal Time). As always, we are happy to answer any questions you might have about the Windows Logo Program for hardware. We will bring in experts in the areas of both audio devices and device fundamentals, so please bring your questions in those areas.

See the Windows Logo Program Webcasts page (http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/winlogo/logocast.mspx) for information on how to participate in the next live event. Submit your questions prior to the event to logofb@microsoft.com (mailto:logofb@microsoft.com). Please put "Office Hours Question" in the subject line.

program support  

06/16/2009 - Updated Requirements for Windows Logo Program for Hardware

The following requirements for the Windows Logo Program for hardware have been updated. You can view these requirements in LogoPoint on the Winqual Web site (https://winqual.microsoft.com/):

. POLICY-0004 - Updated the design notes.
. SYSFUND-0200 - Updated the title and design notes.

WLK 1.4 QFE 001 - Fixes for Streaming Media Broadcast Receiver - Is Now Available

QFE 001 for Windows Logo Kit (WLK) 1.4 is now available for download on the WLK Connect site (https://connect.microsoft.com/site/sitehome.aspx?SiteID=668). This QFE is required for the Windows 7 Logo Program for:

. All device testing in the Streaming Media and Broadcast category.
. Device and system testing for the Windows Media Center additional qualification (AQ).

This QFE contains the following changes:

. DMB-TH broadcast standard is supported through the Broadcast Receiver Proprietary category in WLK.
. A bug that could lead to false failures in the AQ testing is fixed.
. The test for STREAM-0068 correctly handles hybrid devices.

WLK 1.4 QFE 005 - Fix for SYSFUND-0062 - Is Now Available

QFE 005 for Windows Logo Kit (WLK) 1.4 kit is now available for download on the WLK Connect site (https://connect.microsoft.com/site/sitehome.aspx?SiteID=668). This QFE fixes problems with Case 1 of the GlitchFree WMV HD 720p video playback quality test on Windows 7 System submissions.

Case 1 might fail on Windows 7 System submissions due to a test issue. This problem is isolated to Windows 7 and does not occur on Windows Vista. If Case 1 of the GlitchFree WMV HD 720p video playback quality test fails on any Windows 7 submission, this QFE should be applied in order to rule out the known test issue. If Case 1 continues to fail after this QFE is applied and the test is rerun, then the failure should be treated as a legitimate failure that must be analyzed and debugged.

WLK 1.4 QFE 006 - Fix for PrintDrvStress - Is Now Available

QFE 006 for Windows Logo Kit (WLK) 1.4 is now available for download on the WLK Connect site (https://connect.microsoft.com/site/sitehome.aspx?SiteID=668). This QFE fixes an issue in PrintDrvStress that causes a failure in PCLXL drivers.

QFE 006 is required for all logo program submissions in the Printing category. This QFE is for use with WLK version 1.4.7100.xx.

Note: Before you apply the QFE, close all active DTM Studio sessions. Applying this QFE might affect any submission that is in progress, so you should complete any submissions before applying the QFE. After installing this QFE, you must regenerate any incomplete submission that was begun before the QFE was installed.

New Windows SideShow Artwork for Qualified Devices

Starting June 11, 2009, devices that qualify for the Windows logo in the Windows SideShow category can display the new Windows SideShow icon in limited circumstances. Additional artwork and more information on permitted usage will be available when you submit a device in the Windows SideShow category on Winqual (https://winqual.microsoft.com/).

Windows Vista Submissions Must Use Service Pack 2 Starting August 17, 2009

On May 19, 2009, Microsoft released Windows Vista Service Pack 2 (SP2). Partners who are qualifying devices and systems for Windows Vista must begin testing with the latest service pack within 90 days after it has been released. All Windows Vista submissions must be tested with Windows Vista SP2 beginning August 17, 2009.

Reminder: Logo-Qualified Systems and Servers Must Contain Only Logo-Qualified Devices

In order for a PC system or server to qualify for a particular Windows logo, all components of the system or server must be logo-qualified for the same operating system (OS). For example, for a desktop system to qualify for a Windows 7 logo, it must comply with the Windows 7 Logo Program requirements and must include only Windows 7 logo-qualified devices.

A system can qualify for a logo with devices that use drivers that ship with the OS. We recommend that you test using the final device drivers that will be shipping in the system because this is what the end user will experience.

Logo Testing News

Edition for

June 16, 2009

In This Issue:
Logo Program Requirement Reports Are Available on the Winqual Home Page
Extending Early Bird Registration Special for Redmond LogoFest, July 27-31, 2009
Announcing New LogoCast Sessions Available on WHDC
Office Hours Event Scheduled for June
06/16/2009 - Updated Requirements for Windows Logo Program for Hardware
WLK 1.4 QFE 001 - Fixes for Streaming Media Broadcast Receiver - Is Now Available
WLK 1.4 QFE 005 - Fix for SYSFUND-0062 - Is Now Available
WLK 1.4 QFE 006 - Fix for PrintDrvStress - Is Now Available
New Windows SideShow Artwork for Qualified Devices
Windows Vista Submissions Must Use Service Pack 2 Starting August 17, 2009
Reminder: Logo-Qualified Systems and Servers Must Contain Only Logo-Qualified Devices
Windows Logo Program References
Windows Logo Program Newsletter Archives
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