Thursday, June 4, 2009

Daily Tips and Tricks Special Delivery

Tips and Tricks Special Delivery
Making tomorrow more productive than today
For Microsoft Office OneNote 2007
Microsoft Office OneNote 2007
Prioritize with Note Tags
Note tags help you to know and find what's important in your notes (such as ideas or actions), to indicate what level priority or type each item is, and to recall these items easily. Names and icons associated with note tags can be customized to meet your needs.

To add a note tag:
1. Click the content that you want to tag.
2. On the Insert menu, click Note Tags.
3. Choose from the list of note tags.

For Microsoft Office Outlook 2007
Schedule Meetings for a Whole Team of People
If you frequently schedule meetings with the same team members, finding a free slot in everyone's calendar can be challenging. It can also be irritating to keep adding all of your team members to the To line of your meeting request.

Defining and using a group schedule makes this task easier. Here's what to do:
1. Define a group schedule.
a. In your Microsoft Office Outlook Calendar view, click Actions, and then click View Group Schedules.
b. Click the New button, assign a name to the new group schedule, and then click OK.
c. Add your teammates in the Group Members column (just as you would in a meeting request).
d. Click Save and Close.

2. Use your group schedule to create a meeting request.
a. From your Outlook Calendar view, click Actions, and then click View Group Schedules from the menu bar.
b. Click the group schedule that you defined from the list, and then click Open. Now you can see the free/busy information from all your teammates without having to select them individually in a meeting request.
c. Find a free slot and select it.
d. Click Make Meeting, and then click New Meeting with All. A new meeting request opens, prefilled with all your teammates on the To line.

Microsoft Office Outlook 2007

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