Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Windows Logo Program Newsletter for March 10, 2009

The Windows Logo Program Newsletter provides up to date information about the Windows Logo Program. Did you get this newsletter from a friend? Subscribe to the Windows Logo Program Newsletter.

Top Story  

Clarification on Windows Operating System Driver Signature Policy

All submitted products, if shipped with a Windows operating system, must ship with Microsoft-signed device drivers or be third-party drivers that Microsoft includes with the operating system media. For example, if a logo-certified system ships with Windows Vista, then all drivers on the system must be signed by Microsoft for Windows Vista or be drivers that ship on the Windows Vista media. Similarly, if a logo-certified system ships with Windows 7 pre-installed, then all installed drivers shipped with the system must be signed by Microsoft for Windows 7 or be drivers that ship on the Windows 7 media. We have clarified this in logo requirements SYSFUND-0001, SYSFUND-0121, SYSFUND-0192, and POLICY-0005.

Events and Other News  

LogoFest Events - Registration Now Available for Taipei Event

The Windows Logo Program hosts LogoFest events to assist hardware partners who are preparing products for the Windows Hardware Logo Program. These events provide hands-on test environment setup assistance, troubleshooting support, and training presentations that are designed to streamline the process of qualifying products for a Windows Hardware Logo submission.

The upcoming LogoFest event in Taipei, Taiwan, has just opened for registration. Register before March 20, 2009, to receive two free Windows 7 logo submissions. To register or get more information about any of the upcoming Windows 7 LogoFest events, see the WHDC Logo Events and Training Web site.

New LogoFest Event Announced for Beijing, China

The Windows Logo Program is pleased to announce another LogoFest event that is scheduled for Beijing, China, May 18-21, 2009. Please watch this newsletter for more information coming soon.

program support  

Windows Server Logo Support for Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)

Today, Microsoft supports a broad range of enterprise-class storage technologies, including Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI), Fibre Channel, and SAS. As the adoption rate for storage networks increases, a broader set of customers are realizing the benefits of storage networking with the Windows platform.

Some Windows Server ecosystem storage partners are implementing support for FCoE as part of their datacenter strategy. To help our customers succeed with Windows in these environments, Microsoft is creating Logo Program test requirements for FCoE adapters. FCoE adapters include FCoE host bus adapters (HBAs), converged network adapters (CNAs) operating in FCoE mode, and 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) server adapters that support FCoE. After these requirements are completed, storage independent hardware vendors (IHVs) can obtain the Windows Server Qualified logo for these adapters, which will support their use on physical servers as well as with Hyper-V running in the parent partition.

The following tentative timelines for the Logo Program are subject to change:

. Preview Logo Kit: December 2009
. Release Logo Kit: June 2010

Partners can submit FCoE adapters for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 logos. The dates listed above are estimated dates and are subject to change.

Because FCoE defines a new transport, existing logo categories for Fibre Channel adapters in the Windows Logo Program cannot be used to certify FCoE adapters or their corresponding drivers.

Before June 2010, miniport drivers for FCoE adapters are eligible for a signature only. Submissions must be made under the Unclassified category.

HBA vendors shipping CNAs must use a different driver name for FCoE miniport drivers. This enables a device to obtain a logo for the existing Fibre Channel HBAs and corresponding miniport drivers through the standard process while submitting the FCoE driver separately under Unclassified for a signature.

Microsoft continues to work with our key storage ecosystem partners who are developing FCoE products and solutions, to refine requirements to make this technology compatible with the Windows platform.

In the area of storage networking, Microsoft continues to support and promote innovation for iSCSI and Fibre Channel in physical and virtual environments, for small, medium, and enterprise customers. Future support for FCoE hardware complements our strategy to offer a broad range of protocol options and solutions with the Windows platform.

For additional information, see "Important Notice Regarding Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCOE) Submissions" (http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/whql/resources/news/WHQLNews_061708.html), originally published in the June 2008 Windows Logo Program Newsletter.

The Windows Hardware Quality Labs Testing Agreement Version 2.1 Will Expire on April 14, 2009

The new Windows Logo Program Testing Agreement is available for signing. Version 2.2.2 includes new sections about metadata collection and distribution rights.

To continue to make logo submissions, you must sign a new version of the Windows Logo Program Testing Agreement. Companies who do not have an active Windows Logo Program Testing Agreement (version 2.2 or higher) on file will be blocked from submitting after April 14, 2009.

Reminder: Winqual Down for Maintenance on March 12, 2009

The Windows Quality Online Services (Winqual) Web site (https://winqual.microsoft.com) will be unavailable due to regularly scheduled maintenance from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time on Thursday, March 12, 2009. Please note that the Winqual Web site is unavailable during the second Thursday of each month. Please contact the Winqual Team with any questions or feedback. Thank you.

Overview of Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Logo Testing

The following list describes which versions of the Windows Logo Kit (WLK) apply to the various Windows Server logo programs:

. WLK 1.2:
oo Windows Server 2003 system
oo Windows Server 2003 device
oo Windows Server 2008 system
oo Windows Server 2008 device

. WLK 1.3:
oo Windows Server 2003 device
oo Windows Server 2008 device

. WLK 1.4:
oo Windows Server 2003 system
oo Windows Server 2003 device
oo Windows Server 2008 system
oo Windows Server 2008 device
oo Windows Server 2008 R2 system
oo Windows Server 2008 R2 device

System testing details:

. WLK 1.4 will not contain 64-bit Windows Server 2008 tests. You must use the Windows Server 2008 R2 tests in WLK 1.4 for all 64-bit testing. Systems that pass Windows Server R2 64-bit testing will also be granted the Windows Server 2008 logo.

. There is no Windows Server 2008 R2 x86 logo program, because there is no 32-bit version of Windows Server 2008 R2. You can still achieve the Windows Server 2008 x86 logo using WLK 1.4 and the following steps:
oo The system must pass Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 testing.
oo The system must run the Windows Server 2008 x86 test in WLK 1.4.
oo Submission can then be made.

. Systems that qualify for the Windows Server 2008 logo must be refreshed using the Windows Server 2008 R2 tests in WLK 1.4 in order to gain the Windows Server 2008 R2 logo.
. Systems that achieved Windows Server 2008 Supported status must be retested for Windows Server 2008 R2 Supported status.

. Systems that earn some Windows Server 2008 R2 additional qualifications (AQs) will automatically be granted the same AQs for Windows Server 2008. This includes the High Availability, Fault Tolerant, and Dynamic Partitioning AQs.

New and Updated Tests for Windows Driver Foundation Drivers

As part of the device fundamentals, we are introducing new and updated tests that validate the reliability and compliance of Windows Driver Foundation (WDF) drivers. These tests will apply to all categories of devices that can use WDF drivers, for example Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) devices, input devices, input filter devices, Universal Serial Bus (USB) devices, Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) devices, Windows Portable Devices (WPDs), and Sideshow devices.

The key WDF tests that are being introduced are:

. WDF Logo test for KMDF drivers
. Verify WDF co-installer version
. Updated "Run INFTest against a single INF" test

WDF Logo Test for KMDF Drivers

This test will validate a driver developed using the Kernel-Mode Driver Framework (KMDF) with respect to DEVFUND-0037 and DEVFUND-0038 requirements. It ensures that the KMDF driver is architected to maximize reliability and stability without "leaking" resources, and that the driver is designed to handle device driver interface (DDI) failures gracefully.

This test is available in Windows Logo Kit (WLK) 1.3 as a Preview test. At this time, this test will not automatically appear in the test list for any device logo program, but interested partners can execute this test from the Job Explorer under the Device Fundamentals path.

Note: Effective with WLK 1.4, all WDF drivers must pass this test.

All partners who develop WDF drivers are strongly encouraged to use this test from Job Explorer in WLK 1.3 to test their drivers. Detailed information on this test is available in WLK 1.3 release notes and WLK 1.3 Help documentation.

Verify WDF Co-Installer Version

This test will confirm whether drivers are packaged to contain the RTM fre versions of WDF redistributables, in compliance with the DEVFUND-0039 requirement.

Note: At Windows 7 RC, this test will block WDF drivers that are packaged with WDF 1.9 RC redistributable bits, when tested on Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008. At Windows 7 RTM, this test will pass those drivers on those operating systems.

When tested on Windows 7 or Windows 7 R2 operating systems, WDF drivers will pass this test regardless of the redistributable bits that are packaged.

This test will be introduced in WLK 1.4.

Update to the "Run INFTest against a single INF" Test

We are updating the existing "Run INFTest against a single INF" test to check for compliance with the DEVFUND-0040 requirement. The updated test will check whether WDF driver INF files are properly structured.

The updated "Run INFTest against a single INF" Test will be available in WLK 1.4.

Note: With the release of WLK 1.4, all WDF drivers must pass this test.


All the above tools take advantage of commonly available Windows Driver Kit (WDK) tools, such as ChkInf, WdfTester (for testing DDI fault injection), AppVerifier, WDF verification, and driver verification. For more information on these tools please refer to the following:

. ChkInf: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms792443.aspx
. WdfTester: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc264231.aspx
. AppVerifier: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa480483.aspx
. WDF verification: http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/driver/tips/KMDFVerifier.mspx

Windows Error Reporting Focuses on Current Crash Reports

On March 2, 2009, Microsoft reduced the number of kernel-mode crash reports that it collects and processes for operating systems earlier than Windows Vista SP2 and Windows Server 2008. Microsoft made this change in order to align Windows Error Reporting (WER) with the Help and Support Lifecycle. Microsoft will continue to collect and process enough crash reports to ensure that reports on all versions of Windows will be statistically valid until the version is no longer supported.

Microsoft now limits the processing of incoming crash reports for the following operating systems:
. Windows XP (all versions)
. Windows Server 2003 (all versions)
. Windows Vista RTM (all versions)
. Windows Vista SP1 (all versions)

We will continue to process all reports for the following operating systems:
. Windows 7 (all versions)
. Windows Server 2008 (all versions)
. Windows Vista SP2 (all versions)

Windows Logo Kit 1.3 QFE 006 Is Now Available on Connect

QFE 006 to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK) version 1.3 is now available for download at the WLK Connect site (https://connect.microsoft.com/site/sitehome.aspx?SiteID=668). This QFE updates the Smart Card Minidriver test category. After applying this QFE, smart card minidrivers that implement two-key Triple DES (TDES) for challenge-response authentication can get certification. The QFE also changes the RSA Encryption/Decryption test by encrypting and then decrypting a 32-byte buffer that resembles a typical symmetric key instead of plaintext.

This QFE is for use with WLK 1.3 RTM (version 1.3.7000.xx).

Logo Testing News

Edition for

March 10, 2009

In This Issue:
Clarification on Windows Operating System Driver Signature Policy
LogoFest Events - Registration Now Available for Taipei Event
New LogoFest Event Announced for Beijing, China
Windows Server Logo Support for Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)
The Windows Hardware Quality Labs Testing Agreement Version 2.1 Will Expire on April 14, 2009
Reminder: Winqual Down for Maintenance on March 12, 2009
Overview of Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Logo Testing
New and Updated Tests for Windows Driver Foundation Drivers
Windows Error Reporting Focuses on Current Crash Reports
Windows Logo Kit 1.3 QFE 006 Is Now Available on Connect
Windows Logo Program References
Windows Logo Program Newsletter Archives
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