Sunday, March 15, 2009

Daily Tips and Tricks Special Delivery

Tips and Tricks Special Delivery
Making tomorrow more productive than today
For Microsoft Office Word 2007
Microsoft Office Word 2007
Overprinting Watermarks on Documents
You can easily insert a watermark into your document in Microsoft Office Word 2007. Click Watermark from the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon.

For Microsoft Office Access 2007
Lookups and Relationships
Often you need to add fields that look up data from other tables. For example, you may want to assign a task to someone in your Contacts table. To add such a field:
1. In datasheet view, on the Ribbon, in the Fields and Columns section, click Lookup Column.
2. If you want to type the lookup values instead of looking up a field from a different table, select I will type in the values; if not, click Next.
3. Select the table that you want to look up from, and then click Next.
4. Select the fields that you want to include in your lookup, and then click Next.
5. Select the sorting method you want, click Next, and then click Next again on the following screen.
6. Label the lookup column and check the box if you want to allow the selection of multiple values. Click Finish.

Microsoft Office Access 2007

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