| | | Security updates for December 11, 2012 Download security updates for Microsoft Windows, Word, Windows Server, and Internet Explorer.
| | | Protect your computer Do you know the top 10 threats? Security vendor Kaspersky recently posted the top 10 vulnerabilities it detected on its computers. Learn which products were on the list and how you can reduce your chances of accidentally downloading malicious software.
| Take care with ransomware Ransomware is malware that aims to prevent you from using your computer until you pay a fee (the "ransom"). If you see an email or a warning like this, do not follow the payment instructions. Security checklist for Windows Do you know if your computer is safe from viruses, spyware, and other malicious software? Find out what you can do to help keep your computer more secure with Windows. | |
| | Protect yourself and your family Online gaming: Help play it safe Learn about customizing family safety settings for Xbox and other ways you can help keep your child's online gaming safe, age-appropriate, fun, and educational. | Manage your privacy settings in one place Your personal privacy dashboard helps make it easier to edit your privacy settings in Internet Explorer, Xbox, Bing, and other selected Microsoft products. Online fraud: Get practical advice Download our new free 12-page booklet for guidance to help you protect your privacy and avoid the most common types of online scams. | |
| | About this newsletter Microsoft Security for Home Computer Users is a monthly newsletter bringing security news, guidance, updates, and community resources directly to your inbox. If you would like to receive more technical security information, see the Microsoft Security Newsletter. |
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