| | | Security updates for November 13, 2012 Download security updates for Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, Microsoft .NET Framework, and Internet Explorer.
| | | Protect your computer Help! My antivirus software turned off by itself If you use Microsoft Security Essentials, learn how to get support if it seems to turn off by itself. Also, find out about the antivirus software that's built into Windows 8. | Download antivirus software for Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP If you're not ready to upgrade to Windows 8, you can still use Microsoft Security Essentials to help protect your computer against viruses, spyware, and other malicious software. Create strong passwords The first line of defense for your computer is the password you use to log on to your operating system, email program, and some of the websites you use. Find out how to strengthen this defense. | |
| | Protect yourself and your family Get rid of your old devices more safely Planning on getting a new Windows 8 computer? Learn how to help protect your personal information and safely transfer all of your data to a new computer or device. | Manage screen time for your kids Windows 8 includes Family Safety, a tool that helps you monitor each child's computer usage. You can set specific limits, including what time they're allowed to use the PC and what games and apps they can use. What you can do about online bullying Do your part to reduce cyber bullying. Take a quick quiz to test your knowledge of targeting, bullying, and bystander behavior. | |
| | About this newsletter Microsoft Security for Home Computer Users is a monthly newsletter bringing security news, guidance, updates, and community resources directly to your inbox. If you would like to receive more technical security information, see the Microsoft Security Newsletter. |
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