| | | | | | | Event full: Celebrate occasions and achievements. | This month’s promotion — ends September 23 | | | Last chance to take advantage of the offer
Get a free Xbox 360 4GB console with the purchase of a Windows 7 PC $699 or more, at participating retailers in the US from 5/23 until 9/23 or while supplies last. Verification of student status required. | | This month’s features | | | Tips and tricks  | | Did you know? | Windows 7 has parental controls — learn how to use them. | | | | Downloads and offers | | | | About Explore Windows | Explore Windows brings you tips, tricks, downloads, and updates to help you get the most out of Windows. Was this newsletter forwarded to you? Subscribe to the Explore Windows newsletter. You can find additional Windows tips, tricks, and how-to's on the Explore Windows website. | | | | | | | | Microsoft respects your privacy. Please read our online Privacy Statement.
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