Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Windows Logo Program Newsletter for November 2, 2010

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Windows Summit 2010 Virtual Event:  New Sessions Available Next Week

Windows Summit 2010 is a virtual event designed for people who engineer and test Windows 7 PCs, devices, and software. A new set of Windows Internet Explorer 9 sessions will be available the week of November 8, 2010.

Learn about advanced graphics techniques and get more creative as you develop Internet Explorer 9 web applications. Discover how to make touch input easier through new demos and resources.

The following sessions are available next week:

  • Getting Started with Canvas
    Learn the fundamentals of using the canvas element in your web applications. Through examples and demos, you will learn how to use canvas to draw visual elements, create animations, and interact with video on your site. Level: 300.
  • Getting Started with SVG
    Understand how to use Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) to enrich your web applications. Extensive examples and demos will show you how to draw simple and complex shapes, use a variety of transforms to manipulate your graphics, and debug SVG using Internet Explorer 9 developer tools. Level: 300.
  • Best Practices for Creating Advanced Graphics in Internet Explorer 9
    Learn about advanced graphics techniques available in Internet Explorer 9, and best practices for using canvas, SVG, and CSS3 to create stunning graphics in your web applications. This session will also cover best practices for using high performance video. Level: 300.
  • Touch Support in Internet Explorer 9
    Learn about touch support investments in Internet Explorer 9, including input optimizations, gestures, and user interface improvements to make touch input easier and more natural. You will see demos of using touch to interact with Internet Explorer 9. Level 100.

When new session content goes live, it's available to you free any time you want to access it. Simply visit the Windows Summit website. Additionally, previously released content, tools, and resources for the Device, System, and Software tracks are still available. Watch all sessions or choose the ones that most interest you.

To see a full list of sessions and to learn more, visit: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-summit/default.aspx?ocid=sum10_lognews.

Register now to be notified when new Windows Summit 2010 content is released.


Logo Testing News

Edition for

November 2, 2010

In This Issue:
Windows Summit 2010 Virtual Event: New Sessions Available Next Week
Windows Logo Program References
Windows Logo Program Newsletter Archives
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