Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Solution Accelerators November Newsletter

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arrowDown MAP Toolkit 5.5 Beta

arrowDown Beta 2 security baselines coming soon

arrowDown  New security resources for Office 2010, Windows 7, and Internet Explorer 8

arrowDown SCVMM Self-Service Portal 2.0

arrowDown  P2V Migration for Software Assurance

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MAP 5.0 Demo: Let MAP simplify your migration to Windows 7!
In this brief overview demo, we'll show you how to use the MAP 5.0 Toolkit to streamline and simplify your migration to Windows 7.


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Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit 5.5 is here!

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Migration planning made easier: Join the MAP Toolkit 5.5 Beta. The next version of the Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit is now available in beta release! Join the MAP beta program and test drive what's coming next: Windows Azure and SQL Azure readiness reporting, Windows Internet Explorer 8 upgrade assessment, heterogeneous database discovery, and more. More assessments and reports help streamline and simplify your IT infrastructure planning.

Coming soon: Beta 2 security baselines for Exchange Server 2007 and SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2. The most recent releases in the Security Compliance Manager Baseline Beta Review Program will help you plan, deploy, and monitor the security of Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, SQL Server 2008, and SQL Server 2008 R2. Members of the beta program will be notified via email when these security baselines are available for beta download.

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Elevate the security of Office 2010, Windows 7, and Internet Explorer 8. The security team has just released the Microsoft Office 2010 Security Baseline, as well as new setting packs for Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 8. These resources, in combination with the Security Compliance Manager tool, will help you efficiently manage the security and compliance process for some of the most widely used Microsoft products. Learn more; then download the Security Compliance Manager tool.

Bring the agility of a private cloud platform to your data center. System Center Virtual Machine Manager Self-Service Portal 2.0 enables you to pool, allocate, and manage resources to offer infrastructure as a service. Retain control over your cloud infrastructure by delivering the foundation for a private cloud platform inside your data center.

Unstick Windows deployments with P2V Migration for Software Assurance!  Migration always creates a few cases where application compatibility issues are user-specific, and fixing isolated incidents can be a drag on resources. Now there is a solution, and it's integrated with Microsoft's automated operating system deployment tools! Learn more about P2V Migration for Software Assurance.

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