Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Windows Logo Program Newsletter for October 26, 2010

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The Windows Logo Program Newsletter provides up to date information about the Windows Logo Program. Did you get this newsletter from a friend? Subscribe to the Windows Logo Program Newsletter.


Video Fidelity Requirements will Remain Optional
In response to feedback from our partners, the video fidelity requirements (STREAM-0082, STREAM-0083, STREAM-0084, and STREAM-0085) will not be required.  The Windows Logo Kit (WLK) currently treats these tests as optional only, so no changes will be made to the WLK in order to ensure that partners interested in testing the video fidelity of their device may continue to do so.


Process for Obtaining a PnP-X Vendor ID
You can request a Plug-and-Play Extensions (PnP-X) Vendor ID from winqual@microsoft.com.
You will receive an email that contains a table with a Vendor ID assignment. The PNP-X ID column of the table lists a number. Use this number for the VEN_XXXX file in the PnP-X X_hardwareId tag. For example, if the number listed in the PNP-X ID column in the table is 1234, the corresponding field would be VEN_1234.

New VeriSign Signing Certificates Acceptable on Winqual
Recently you may have seen notice from VeriSign that they are releasing 2048-bit RSA keys. We wanted to let our partners know that Winqual is able to accept these. 

Logo Testing News

Edition for

October 26, 2010

In This Issue:
Video Fidelity Requirements will Remain Optional
Process for Obtaining a PnP-X Vendor ID
New VeriSign Signing Certificates Acceptable on Winqual
Windows Logo Program References
Windows Logo Program Newsletter Archives
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