Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Windows Logo Program Newsletter for October 19, 2010

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The Windows Logo Program Newsletter provides up to date information about the Windows Logo Program. Did you get this newsletter from a friend? Subscribe to the Windows Logo Program Newsletter.


Winqual Down for Maintenance on October 27, 2010

The Windows Quality Online Services (Winqual) website (https://winqual.microsoft.com) will be unavailable due to regularly scheduled maintenance from 7:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time on Wednesday, October 27, 2010.

Please contact the Winqual team with any questions or feedback. Thank you.

FAQ: Why Does my .cat File Signature Have an Expiration Date?

While a Logo-certified, Winqual-signed driver does not expire, test-signed drivers have an expiration date.

The code that checks the digital signature examines the time stamp and verifies that the signature was applied during the valid time period of the certificate. If no time stamp exists, the code uses the expiration date of the certificate.

Additionally, the .cat file remains valid as long as you do not modify the .inf file.

Logo Testing News

Edition for

October 19, 2010

In This Issue:
Winqual Down for Maintenance on October 27, 2010
FAQ: Why Does my .cat File Signature Have an Expiration Date?
Windows Logo Program References
Windows Logo Program Newsletter Archives
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