Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Windows Logo Program Newsletter for June 29, 2010

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The Windows Logo Program Newsletter provides up to date information about the Windows Logo Program. Did you get this newsletter from a friend? Subscribe to the Windows Logo Program Newsletter.


Original Equipment Manufacturers Can Continue to Ship Unclassified Biometric Fingerprint Readers

Beginning with the release of Windows Logo Kit version 1.6, the Windows Logo Program will have a category for biometric fingerprint readers. In addition to meeting all device fundamentals and applicable connectivity requirements, these readers will need to meet INPUT-0058, INPUT-0066, INPUT-0067, and INPUT-0069 in order to qualify for a Windows 7 logo.

In order to give the channel time to fill with logo-qualified biometric fingerprint readers, we will delay enforcement of these requirements for systems until December 1, 2012. We will post a clarification on Logopoint in the near future and we will notify you when the clarification has been posted.


New Logo License Agreement 2011 Available for Signing on July 1

The new Logo License Agreement (LLA) 2011 will be available for signing on the Windows Quality Online Services (Winqual) website (https://winqual.microsoft.com/) on July 1, 2010. The new LLA includes the following changes:

  • Smaller minimum size for the Windows 7 logo. Licensees now have the option to use a smaller minimum size (0.42") Windows 7 logo on systems where space on the casing is limited, for example, all-in-one PCs and smaller device form factors.
  • Logo on the back or bottom of mobile devices permitted under limited circumstances. When the smallest logo size permitted under the LLA does not fit in a visible location, we will now allow placement of the Windows logo on the back or bottom of mobile devices, provided that:
    • The logo is comparable in size and placement to third-party logos.
    • The logo is not placed on a removable component of the device.
  • Sublicense rights to logos. Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and independent hardware vendors (IHVs) who work with retailers to promote their products and who want retailers to be able to utilize Windows logos in promoting OEM and IHV products need sublicense rights to Windows logos. These rights have been added to LLA 2011.

Windows Logo Kit 1.5 QFE 002 Is Now Available on Connect

QFE 002 for Windows Logo Kit (WLK) 1.5 is now available for download on the WLK Connect site (https://connect.microsoft.com/site/sitehome.aspx?SiteID=668). This QFE contains a fix to select Direct3D tests to significantly reduce log file sizes. (The affected tests are WGF11Shader5x.exe, WGF11Compute.exe, and WGFFilter.exe.) This change should make it significantly easier to comply with the 2-GB size limit for CAB files in logo program submission packages.

This QFE also includes:

  • Fix to the ConfigDisplay.exe utility so that it correctly enables secondary heads.
  • Fixes for the following errata:
    • 1531: Display: WGF11 Compute Shader (FeatureLevel 10.0 and 10.1) has blocked test case
    • 1575: Display: WGF11 Compute Shader (Feature Level 10.0) has blocked test group when DX-compute is disabled. (dupe of 1531)
    • 1577: Display: The WGF11 Filter (Feature Level ??) fail test group filter\Aniso\2D (dupe to 1672)
    • 1578: Display: The WGF11 Filter (Feature Level 10.0, 10.1 and 11.0) test has several failures due to LOD Clamp
    • 1672: Display: WGF11 Filter (FeatureLevel 10.0, 10.1, and 11.0) test enforces LengthMinor clamping
    • 1842: Display: WGF11 Compute Shader (FeatureLevel 10.0 and 10.1) placeholder failure after the blocked test
    • 1959: Display:WGF11 Compute Shader (Feature Level 10.0, 10.1 and11.0) test has failures in Memory\Barrier\PS test cases

This QFE is required for Display tests for all operating systems. Even if you aren't affected by the 2-GB CAB limit, this QFE is required in order to to ensure that secondary heads are properly enabled. The reduction in log file size will also make it much easier to triage failures in these tests.

Note: Before applying the QFE, close all active DTM Studio sessions. Applying this QFE may affect any in-progress submission; please complete any submissions before applying the QFE. After installing this QFE, you will need to regenerate any affected submission that was generated before the QFE was installed.

Windows Logo Kit 1.5 QFE 004 Is Now Available on Connect

Windows Logo Kit (WLK) 1.5 QFE 004 is now available on the WLK Connect site (https://connect.microsoft.com/site/sitehome.aspx?SiteID=668). This fix mitigates issues with running the Rally PnP-X or Bluewire Vertical Pairing logo program tests, which report Function Discovery failures and often leave the test computer in a non-clean state.

This QFE is required for Rally PnP-X or Bluewire Vertical Pairing tests.

Retiring Windows Logo Program Categories

The following logo program categories and requirements will be retired when we release version 1.6 of the Windows Logo Kit (WLK):

  • Modem
    • MODEM-0001 through MODEM-0025
  • Winsock Direct
    • NETWORK-0141 through NETWORK-0143
  • ISDN
    • NETWORK-0026
    • NETWORK-0027
    • NETWORK-0029
    • NETWORK-0030
    • NETWORK-0033
    • NETWORK-0130 through NETWORK-0132
  • IrDA
    • CONNECT-0025
    • CONNECT-0027
    • CONNECT-0029

Starting with WLK 1.6, any devices that previously submitted via these categories can use the Unclassified category to get a signature. Please use LogoPoint to send us any feedback you have about this announcement.

Retirement Date Postponed for Tape Drive, Medium Changer, and Serial Port Adapters Categories

Previously we announced that we would retire the Tape Drive, Medium Changer, and Serial Port Adapters logo program categories in June 2010. We are postponing the retirement of these categories until Windows Logo Kit (WLK) 1.5 expires.


Windows Summit 2010 Virtual Event: An Extended Device Track Launches on June 30!

Windows Summit 2010 is a virtual event for software and hardware developers, designers, engineers, and testers, who build or want to build hardware and software solutions on the Windows 7 and Internet Explorer platforms.

On June 30, the Device track will be extended with a new set of Windows Summit 2010 sessions and virtual workshops. The workshops will focus on Device Stage for all types of devices, and will cover a new tool that simplifies implementation of Device Stage for your products. Session topics include:

  • Network Device Pairing 
  • Submitting Device Metadata Packages
  • Play To
  • Windows Logo Program

Device, System, and Software Tracks

Specialized content for the Device, System, and Software tracks is now available online. You can access tools, resources, and information about building great products on Windows 7 and Internet Explorer, from the convenience of your computer, including information that addresses the Windows Logo Program - from what you need to know to certify your product to what's new in Windows Logo Kit (WLK) 1.5. To begin, simply sign in at http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-summit/default.aspx?ocid=sum10_lognews.

Here's a sampling of the sessions now available:

  • Device track, led by Mark Relph, Senior Director, Windows Developer and PC Ecosystem Team:
    • The Windows Logo Program for Hardware and Devices: Getting Started
    • The Windows Logo Kit: What's New in WLK 1.5
    • Windows 7 Device Content and Web Resources
    • Developing Your Device Experience Strategy
  • System track, led by Brad Brooks, Corporate Vice President, Windows Consumer Marketing and Product Management:
    • Windows 7 Imaging and Deployment Tools Overview
    • Understanding the Windows Logo Program for Systems
    • Building Troubleshooters
    • Using the Mobile Broadband Platform in Windows 7
  • Software track, led by Dean Hachamovitch, General Manager, Internet Explorer Team:
    • Developing Multi-Touch Applications for Natural Experiences
    • Unleashing the Latest Innovations in Modern Graphics Hardware with Windows 7
    • Windows 7 Ribbon: The Next Generation User Experience for Presenting Commands in Windows Applications
    • Extending Battery Life by Creating Energy-Efficient Applications

Track content is available 24x7. You can watch all the sessions or choose the ones that interest you the most. In addition to track content and the opening talks, you can view questions that were submitted to the experts along with the experts' answers.

To see a full list of sessions and to learn more, visit http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-summit/default.aspx?ocid=sum10_lognews.

Logo Testing News

Edition for

June 29, 2010

In This Issue:
Original Equipment Manufactures Can Continue to Ship Unclassifed Biometric Fingerprint Readers
New Logo Licence Agreement 2011 Available for Signing on July 1
Windows Logo Kit 1.5 QFE 002 Is Now Available on Connect
Windows Logo Kit 1.5 QFE 004 Is Now Available on Connect
Retiring Windows Logo Program Categories
Retirement Date Postponed for Tape Drive, Medium Changer, and Serial Port Adapters Categories
Windows Summit 2010 Virtual Event: An Extended Device Track Launches on June 30
Windows Logo Program References
Windows Logo Program Newsletter Archives
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