A great explanation and walkthrough of how to open RIA Services domain services to clients such as Silverlight, Excel, a Windows Phone 7 application, and AJAX.
Programming Microsoft Office 2010 This on-demand series will show how a developer can extend Office 2010 products. It includes information on how to customize the functionality and the interface of an Office application, and how to manipulate the data contents in code.
Free Software Security Trial and Consultation Protect your software 24/7 from hackers and pirates. Free 30-day trial of Arxan's GuardIT software security with 1-hour customer-focused consultation.
Silverlight 4 Training Course This training course includes a white paper that explains all of the new Silverlight 4 features, several hands-on labs that explain the features, and an 8-unit course for building business applications with Silverlight 4.
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