Thursday, April 22, 2010

MCP Monthly Flash: April 22, 2010




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Live Meetings for Managers: Get Ahead with Microsoft Software Assurance Benefits
Live Meetings for Managers: Get Ahead with Microsoft Software Assurance Benefits Attend this Live Meeting to learn how to reduce your training costs and ready your team for Microsoft technologies by maximizing your Software Assurance benefits. Register for the Live Meeting on Wednesday, May 19, at 8:00 A.M. Pacific Time   Read the full article
Original Publication Date: 04/22/2010

Channel 9 Training Available

Original Publication Date: 04/22/2010

Find Microsoft Events Near You
Click to Attend If you're looking for up-to-the minute information on the latest Microsoft products, the Click to Attend Web site is the place to explore. It is easy to search and register for an event conveniently located near you.   Read the full article
Original Publication Date: 04/22/2010


Pass That Exam with Microsoft Official Courses
Put forth your best effort for that certification exam. Faster and more thorough than self-paced courses, most Microsoft Official Courses are just one to five days. Check out Microsoft Official Courses today.  Read the full article
Original Publication Date: 04/22/2010

Are You a Microsoft Partner? Here's Something Just for You
Are You a Microsoft Partner? Here's Something Just for You With new certification requirements coming in May as part of the new Microsoft Partner Network, we can help you get current on the latest technologies. Learn more about exclusive certification offers   Read the full article
Original Publication Date: 04/22/2010

Virtual Business Cards Are Now Available to MCPs

Virtual Business Card

Virtual Business Cards (VBCs) are now available as a new benefit for MCPs. Use VBCs to show off your expertise, knowledge, and achievements--creatively, securely, and interactively. Brand yourself and let everyone know what credentials you hold by using them on the Web or in your e-mail signature. Create your card, and then come over to the Born to Learn Web site to show it off.

Original Publication Date: 04/13/2010

Test Center Experience Survey
Please help us continue to improve your experience with the Microsoft Certification Program. The following short survey will help us better understand your experience with various test providers to ensure the best experience for our community. This survey will take approximately three to seven minutes and is open from April 21 to May 7.  Read the full article
Original Publication Date: 04/22/2010

Training - MOC/Courseware/Exams/Clinics

Download the Latest Version of LCDS
The Microsoft Learning Content Development System (LCDS) is a complimentary tool that enables the Microsoft Learning community to create high-quality, interactive, online courses. Download LCDS version 2.4 today.  Read the full article
Original Publication Date: 04/22/2010

Academic Audience

Watch Online Recorded Sessions from MIX10
While it isn't the same as attending MIX10, we've made it possible for you to watch the recorded keynotes and sessions while interacting with the MIX10 Online community.   Read the full article
Original Publication Date: 04/22/2010

Monthly Edition

April 2010


 In This Issue:



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