| Special Edition: Economic Climate Proceed with confidence. Leverage your existing IT investments to reduce IT and operational costs and increase productivity. |
Improve decisions
Improving business intelligence infrastructure can save hours of labor previously spent building periodic and one-off reports. Not only that better, integrated data may help you reduce the cost of goods and services your agency uses on a regular or occasional basis.
Contain IT and operations costs
Standard desktop configuration and server virtualization can reduce maintenance costs and IT oversight, leaving more time for application development. In addition, fewer physical servers combined with energy-saving computing practices can drive substantial cost reductions in agency-wide operations.
Cut travel and commuting costs
With a widespread workforce, travel costs can eat into the bottom line. Even employees are feeling the pain of higher fuel costs. Cut travel and commuting costs dramatically with virtual meetings, telecommuting, and collaboration solutions.
Get control of records
How much time and money does your staff spend managing physical and online records? Reduce physical record space and management and accelerate record location with an electronic records management solution.