Thursday, April 9, 2009

Daily Tips and Tricks Special Delivery

Tips and Tricks Special Delivery
Making tomorrow more productive than today
Side by Side
2003 vs 2007 Side by Side
2003 to 2007 Page Layout Tab
It's not always easy to make page-level changes to your Microsoft Office Word 2003 document. Every time you want to adjust the margin or change the page layout, you have to browse to Page Setup on the File menu and make your changes in a dialog box that has multiple tabs.

In Microsoft Office Word 2007, you can make many of these changes from the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon. For example, if you want a slimmer margin, click the Margins button, and then click Narrow. If you're printing on legal paper, click the Size button, and then click Legal. With many of the options, like Margins, you see a live preview of your change before you apply it. If you need greater customization, click the diagonal arrow in the lower right of the Page Setup section to open the familiar dialog box.

For Microsoft Office Outlook 2007
Finding E-Mail Messages Quickly
You can search for a specific e-mail message in Microsoft Office Outlook without expanding the Search box. Here's what to do:

In the Outlook Search box, type your target. For example, to find a particular e-mail message from John Smith, type from:John Smith. This search request quickly lists e-mail messages from that person, but not messages that contain his name.

This tip also works for other criteria, such as folders. For example, searching for folder:expenses quickly lists only those folders that contain "expenses" as the subject.

Microsoft Office Outlook 2007

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